Saturday 31 October 2015

The day when I left my university

What would you tell your parents when you’ve finally decided to give up on the university?

I've collected my reasons.

First of all: 
My degree is not valuable. I had to admit but (unfortunately) it’s kind of true. With tourism degree I can do nothing.

Second of all:
I’ve had some very long conversations with people about how my degree would not be valuable and it is just a waste of time (and money). I don’t want to waste my time on stupid or useless stuff. My bucket list is ready and I know it sounds weird or funny, but I’d like to start living my life. 

Finally now I know what I am interested in and I could study at my university, but there’s a problem because then I am going to have to take more student loans. 
Unfortunately (or fortunately) I don’t want to start my adult life with a big debit
Normally a person starts from zero, I think with debit I would start from minus 10.

And my last reason: I would like to live a full life. 

I want to learn how to skateboard and draw. I want to learn languages and the most important thing is: I want to get rid of my panic attacks and live without fears.

So I’ve come up with a “how to change your life within 8 months” plan. 

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