Sunday 25 October 2015

You should have lived Alex, you should've!

I have always been the typical “I am against the system” guy. I couldn’t understand why I had to learn absolutely useless stuff at school, why people have to take out a loan on almost everything. What if I just want to spend my life on useful knowledge, what if I don’t want to borrow any money from the bank
What if I don’t want to eat genetically modified crap called “food”. 
What if I don’t want to be a robot who works for a heartless company? 
What if I don’t want to have 800 “friends” on Facebook?

One of my friends always makes fun of me: 
My dear friend, if you don’t want these shits in your life you should live in the woods.
What a bastard, right?

But actually the idea is not that bad.
 I’ve read a book about society and lifestyle. According to this book aboriginal people (or I don’t know how to say it in English) so ...

... “Forest people who can’t enjoy this awesome modern, comfortable, plastic twenty-first lifestyle, live in Amazon rainforest. I hope you understand.
So these people spend only 4 hours on hunting and then? Then they always dance, talk to each other, relax, sing, or just sleep a bit. So we can say these people enjoy their lives. Maybe these people don’t live so long like we do (because let’s face it.. public health is not so good in Amazon rainforest) but at least they do what they would like to do."

 Now let’s see a “modern, educated,” human being from the big city.

Our person gets up at 6 o’clock in the morning. He goes jogging, takes a shower, has breakfast and goes to his workplace. 
If he starts his job at 8 o’clock (normally a “human being robot” works 8 hours a day) so our person is free from 04.00 pm. Let’s name this person, for example Alex

Alex is tired as hell after jogging and working. Now let’s say Alex works for a company, his job is IT helpdesk. He has to speak two languages fluently, but at least the salary is not bad. But it’s not Alex’s dream job, so he has to change which means he has to learn or study something new. He needs a degree; he has to start a university.

The university is expensive, of course, Alex goes to the bank and takes the student loan.
Let’s summarize Alex’s life. His job is a big piece of shit (but the salary is OK), after 8 working hours he has to study a lot. He studies so many interesting, but not so useful things, after a couple of years and so many sleepless and stressful nights finally he gets his degree. 

What is the next step?

He’s trying to apply for a job. and then bum! Next problem: Descriptions of every job nowadays: 

"We need someone who..."
  •  is very creative.
  • can speak 3 languages fluently
  •  is good at math, nuclear physics, literature, grammar, IT
  •  can stay calm in every situation
  • is young (maximum 30 years old)
  • has minimum 10 years of experience but 45 would be the best.
  • always smiles like an idiot
  •  never wants to go home
  • is familiar with fission.

Now let’s summarize his life again:

He took the student loans, his last 3-4 years were like a nightmare. And for sure life doesn’t stop f*cking with Alex. His girlfriend broke up with him, he couldn’t hang out with his friends because he had to study a lot. 
Instead of going jogging he studied but it was kind of stressful so he started smoking. He always wanted to learn how to play the guitar, he wanted to travel around the world and get to know new people and cultures.

After 5 months finally he got a job. The salary is better but he has to start paying back his student loan. He has to work a lot (still can’t enjoy his life). Meanwhile the world has gone crazy. Global warming, immigrants, third world war, a new virus, and antichrist is also coming.
Next day Alex gets up, starts his day.. again…
30 minutes later Alex was hit by a bus.

Congratulations Alex on your achievement. Here’s your degree:

Ok the situation is not very bad, but I think it’s not good either. I was just trying to explain how I feel about our society and why people are so stressful, cold and heartless nowadays. I think one of the most important values in life is: time.

And this is the reason because why I’ve decided to give up my “university carrier”. Am I making a huge mistake? Yes, maybe I am. But I think I have to make this mistake. Never forget: 
Life is the best teacher! 

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