Thursday 22 October 2015

Before I start this post with my future we have to go back  (just a little bit, don’t worry)

One year ago, before my Italian projects but after my depression I used to be worried all the time. 
I was worried about my future, my entire life, my family, my friends, the disgusting society, so I was worried about everything

Do my friends really like me?” If they do, what is the f*cking reason because I always have to call them?”
Am I important?” “Am I good enough?” “Am I handsome?” “What if I can’t fit in a group?” "What if I lose everything in my life?” “Am I stupid?” “Will I be poor?” “Does that girl like me?” “Would she be my girlfriend?” “Is my English good enough?” “How will I die?” “Why do I have to die?

You can be rich, poor, muscular or thin but you have to admit: 
You also have a moment every day when you start thinking (actually overreacting everything) when your dark side, your bad clone, your demon or your Milka cow (you can call it whatever you want to call) gets up and makes you worried.

I was just thinking and thinking all the time. When I was already in Italy I still had this “thing”. 

And one day I just realized that my hair was falling out. In my family every man is very hairy (we’re like mammoths) so I was absolutely sure it wasn’t happening because of the genes. 
And what is the easiest ways if you want to find out why you’re dying? 

Google, yes!!

Of course I found lots of articles why “I’ll cross the road in two hours” and I found my enemy too. 
It’s everywhere, it’s being hated, it’s a bastard and it’s called: stress.
When I had to leave Italy I left behind my enemy and I’ve decided to live a normal life (if it’s possible)

Somehow I could accept: Life is not perfect and I have two choices:
- I’ll continue being stressful and go crazy in 2 years or
- I’ll start living a normal life and let our society makes me go crazy in 40-50 years.
And now let’s get back to my future:

I think everyone should write a bucket list and now here’s mine:

Before I die I want to  …

-          Learn how to skateboard
-          Live in Brighton
-          Make new friends with 5 bloggers from different countries
-          Change someone’s life
-          Have a Husky
-          Go to Faroe Islands
-          Go to Canada
-          Find 20 new very good friends
-          Have a wife and two children
-          Work for Unicef and WWF
-          Be a professional blogger
-          Travel around the world
-          Meet Shinedown
-          Learn how to draw
-          Speak 3 languages fluently
-          Support my family
-          Help people

-          Be a journalist 

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