Tuesday 20 October 2015

I’ll continue writing the post about my past but first a small piece of present. 
So I moved to Budapest one month ago but I don’t know exactly why. 

I’m studying at the university but sometimes I think I should’ve stayed in Italy. Better I should’ve gone to England like everyone else nowadays in Europa. At least my English would be almost perfect by now.

"What do you wanna do with your life?"
How many times have you heard this fucking question? Or even better:
What kind of job would you like to do later?

My answer is still a big: I would be the happiest man on earth if I knew.

But let’s see my present:

I haven’t smoked for 96 hours, which means I created this blog 96 hours ago. When I was crazy enough (or drunk) to start sharing my genius thoughts with the world. 

This post will suck because I got up 10 minutes ago so I’m not sure if I’m awake. But because now I’m writing (or at least I’m trying) about my present, let me tell you some facts about Budapest

So Budapest is the capital city of Hungary and Hungary is a typical “not too big-not too small” country

It used to be much bigger but unfortunately fortune wasn’t on Hungarians’ side during history. 
I think this is the reason because Hungarians are a bit depressed, but they’re cool. Budapest is beautiful, it’s old and modern at the same time. You can find lots of pubs, restaurants and other awesome places. 

My flat is really close to the Parliament which is just amazing. 

The university is very cheap, well… a lot cheaper than in England for example. I’m studying Tourism and Business management, I really like it but I don’t know if I am interested in it at all. The lectures are very interesting and (I’ve never thought I’d say this but the time has arrived) finally something useful.

My family believes in: “You have to finish what you start, bastard!” crap so they want me to continue this all university stuff but I don’t know if I want to. 

I’ve already spoken to them about this and of course if I really want to give it up I can. 

Sometimes I just think it’s a waste of time and I’m not ever sure if this degree is worth. 
And besides I have to find a job because I can’t live on my parents anymore.
What’s my problem? Lots of people do this.

Maybe this is the problem. I don’t want to be just a fucking robot who gets up, works, eats and sleeps. For example, my flat mate was studying all day long, he didn’t go out, he didn’t do anything else just studying. Now he’s on Facebook while he’s watching Instagram on his phone. The prefect slave for this capitalistic world, a robot who doesn’t ask, doesn’t think, a robot who uses products like Instagram, who buys shoes for 300 euros, who just accepts everything. A robot who doesn’t go out, who doesn’t see the world, who doesn’t hang out with his friends. A robot who has no life. 
 I’ve been always that typical: “pff fuck this society and this world, it sucks” guy.

Now I just came up with my next post. 

To be continued…

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