Monday 16 November 2015

How to stop smoking. Honest version I.

My biggest mistake I’ve ever made when I lighted my first cigarette. Honestly I didn’t feel anything. 

I felt the smoke in my mouth, I took a deep breath and that’s all. Nothing special. I went home and told the story to my mother with a proud and “don’t kill me mother” face.

If I remember correctly her answer was something like this: 
"Congratulations son, you idiot **(bad word) now you’ll die."

 (I was 13, of course she wanted to scare me) and I hoped it was my first and last relationship with that white thin bastard (I’m talking about the cigarettes, not my mother. Just to be clear)

Then high-school broke my door and came into my life like the bank when you don’t pay back anything. 
Everyone was smoking. Always
I started too, why not? I thought smoking made me look older and cooler. I thought “yeah bitches and motherfuckers, I’m the cool guy” (I wasn’t of course, I was one of those losers who just wanted to fit in a group)

First I didn’t smoke every day but it changed of course. I started smoking every morning, and it got worse and worse. 

Before school, after school, at school, in the bathroom of the school, before eating, after eating. When I should’ve learnt I smoked. So always. At 18 I decided to stop smoking forever, it was my first try. And I did it!!! (for 2 hours) I tried almost everything. Meditation, porn, alcohol, jogging, but I wasn’t motivated. And here it comes my first advice:

1.)    Wait if you are not absolutely sure you can’t stop (or you don’t want to stop) smoking.

You can find lots of articles about how you can break this a bad habit and replace it with a good one. I think those people who write these articles have never smoked or they still do it.

My second advice:

2.)    You don’t have to be very motivated, this project depends on how you think after breaking this bad habit. If you start thinking of your package of cigarettes as a friend and you think “Ohh crap, let’s start it, but it’s gonna be hard as fuck” then go back to my first advice, because you’re not ready yet.
I think the best way to get rid of a bad habit is to change your whole life. And yes, it’s a huge sacrifice. 

My third and last advice:

3.)    Firstly, listen to a fucking good song. Delete your Facebook account. After a couple of weeks if you want, create a new one, but don’t add every bastard from your town. Change your life, get rid of the energy vampires, get rid of those bastards who are just trying to take advantage of you. Start something new, do something crazy, enjoy your life! And do not think of your cigarettes as a sex partner who gives you one of the best feelings in the world. Think of that package as your worst enemy who likes to see you in pain, who loves when you think you’re just a loser. Stand up and shout loudly: I already won!

And now let’s be honest. How is it going?

The “not too comfortable period” is the first week. You get angry very easily, you lose your patient, and you’ll start eating… A lot.

Get the following things if you don't want your friends to kill you. 

-          Chewing gum (as much as you can buy)
-          Water (as much as you can buy)
-          Some seeds (for example sunflower seeds)
-          Fruits and vegetables
-          Some sweet stuff (maximum two snickers)

Stop watching horror, action or fucking drama movies, shows, series. Only comedy and go out every day. Delete your “My job is boring, my boss is an asshole, my life sucks, I’m gonna cry now” songs and replace all of them with good, happy, motivating ones.

Take a picture of your whole body (naked, half naked, dressed, it doesn’t matter) now take a piece of paper and write: I am a smart, proud human being and not a “I gave up on my life and goals” loser like this idiot in this photo who I used to be. 
Glue the picture and the text on your mirror and take a look at them every day. Look in the mirror every day and repeat with open eyes: I used to be one of the weakest things on earth because I let a package of cigarettes control my life. Now I am a winner. I’ve chosen me over smoking.

Don’t forget: Everything depends on the way how you think. It’s easy if you think it’ll be easy. 

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