Sunday 8 November 2015

It can also happen to you!

Sometimes it’s really hard to decide how I should start a post. Today it’s harder than ever. 
I gave my first package to a person who really needed it.
My first “awesome package” (I think I was drunk when I came up with this name…) includes these things:

- Water, some candy, apples, meat and bread. I know.. it could be much more.. 

Next question: And I should give it to?...

And then I just found an article about a guy (he’s a programmer and a car mechanic) who lives in a CALL BOX on the street. 

He rented a house from his friend, who had debit. Unfortunately, this friend couldn’t pay for the instalment (I hope this is the correct word for it) so our hero had to leave the apartment immediately. Of course first he went to a homeless shelter, but come on. 
Let’s face it. Those places are like a piece of shit, warm enough but I wouldn’t stay in there for long.

 However I visited this man because I wanted to know if I could help him somehow. I gave this “awesome package” to him and took some pictures. He doesn’t wanna see his face on the internet, this is the reason because I can’t show any pictures of him. 

He has no family because he’s an orphan child.  We had a quite long conversation and I have to admit: he’s clever, he’s cool, and he’s trying to keep clean his “area”. Normally in Hungary a flat costs 300-400 euros. (if you want to rent it) 
I think it’s not a lot of money. After the article some people offered him a job, but there’s still a problem: He needs a place where he can sleep. He can have take a shower and so on. 
So this is the reason because I’ve started this gofundshit thing. Maybe it’ll work. I hope…

You can read the whole article here. (Unfortunately it's in Hungarian)

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