Thursday 15 October 2015

Post number one - The lamest introducion in history
15 October 2015

A laptop, a guy and a can of beer. 
- What would happen normally?

 I'd get drunk and go pick up a chick, watch some porn or just sleep.
But not this time..
Now I know what you think:
" Pff no.. Then it's another f*cking blog, another loser who wants to be a blogger?! Why? The question is good.

- Why does someone want to be a blogger? 
Or vlogger or youtuber or just something with "ER". Maybe because of fame, money (if he or she is good enough) 
How does it work nowadays?

So many people think if they write some genius thoughts or make a video: “How I drink my coffee at 6 o’clock in the morning” 

They’ll be super famous after one month. So don’t hesitate!
 Of course you’ll need a twitter account where you can post your “world changing” pictures with quotes. A twitter account where you HAVE TO add every idiot and if you’re lucky they’ll follow you back, don’t worry none of them will read your stuff and you don’t give a shit about theirs either. 
But at least you’re building your world. 
Then why do I wanna be one of these idiots?
So here comes my lame reason: (while I'm writing the lamest "welcome to my blog" post in history) 
The reason is very easy. My life sucks. (Didn't see it coming, right?)
Life sucks 
I think I’ve already tried almost everything to change my life.

First of all, you have to know I am that typical “stressful asshole” who gets angry very easily.
7 years ago I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, you don’t need to know who I am but now I’m 22. 
So my life fell apart when I was about 15 years old (don’t make the “ooooh” sound) 
To be honest if I read a post like this I’d make the “pff, who the hell cares” sound. 
However I think the “I have to rebuild everything around me” time has arrived. As I mentioned earlier I’ve tried almost everything: relaxation techniques, meditation, books, pills, psychologist, weed (only three times). Of course none of them worked. Expect alcohol… but I don’t want to be alcoholic. 

Now I want to try out this blog stuff. And how is it gonna change my life?
Somehow, I don’t know yet. But let me introduce myself to you. 
I left my home and moved to Budapest (Hungary) because I thought I was going to need a big change in my life after Italy
  • ( I was working there as a volunteer for a while). So I didn’t stay at home because I didn’t want to be surrounded by horseface idiots anymore. If I wanna be honest I was going to move to Brighton (England) but instead now I’m here in Hungary.

But now I really need something that motivates me (this blog). We’ll see how it works exactly but I gave myself 8 months to rebuild everything, 8 months to get rid of my old life, assholes and other negative stuff. 

  • Design? Can we call it “desing”? Let’s just say at least my blog is not naked like Pamela Anderson. But she’s got a very sexy body and big boobs so maybe the correct answer: My blog should be naked like Pamela Anderson. Whatever.. so it’s a desing but don’t worry couch hero friends I’ll be working on it.

And the name: Road reconstruction. In this sentence the word “road” refers to my life. Get it?
And the last thing: English is not my mother tongue so yeah.. I’m sure you’ll find lots of grammar mistakes.

Thank you sister or brother for reading my crap. 

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